Friday, September 29, 2006

When I want your advice, I will give it to you

Slammer posted a provocative commentary on recent school advice regarding teenagers, parties, and motels during the Homecoming weekend.

Though I can't rally behind the notion of asking my kid if they scored, I do see the underlying problem of schools assuming the role of telling parents how to do there job. Frankly, parenting is similar to religion in that the bell curve of beliefs is very wide and there are lots of bad practitioners -- yet if you want to really tick off the majority, tell them how to practice their beliefs.

Rather than advise parents on how to do their job, how about providing resources and tools that help parents come to their own educated conclusions on possible risks of teenage behavior.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger slammer said...

Am I in the minority when I live vicariously through my children? I gave my 4yo a pep talk this morning before his 4yo screening at school.

Seriously though I am assuming you read through the "tips" given to parets in a style only a teacher would love

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Walton said...

Actually, my kids have outgrown the school district so I miss out on all that wonderful parenting advice. Wonder if they have them on their website -- I would hate to not receive their wisdom.

At 1:40 AM, Blogger slammer said...

I know I just can't wait to be a better parent


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