How Now, Brown Cow?
I know I am being overly nostalgiac in an era where things are supposed to be new and shiny and preferably part of a corporate chain, but I can't help but feel sad to see that Janesville is
losing a key part of its identity.Yes the cow is staying, but somehow I think it will be lost between the Lowe's, Outback, Red Lobster, and Quiznos signs. Aside from the unique asthetics of the Oasis, this also marks another loss of local busines in favor of national. While that is a moot point for the macro-economics and might even mean more jobs/revenues, it does point to a loss of individuality for the city.
The 700 Weather Channel Club
I'm guessing that the Pacific Northwest region of the US will be pretty dry and possibly have a drought during 2006. Why? Because
God told Pat Robertson otherwise.
Normally, I am not this much a skeptic of divine inspiration and supernatural foresight -- but this is the same guy who believes that Ariel Sharon's stroke was due to God's punishment on him for pulling out of the Gaza Strip and that the US should assassinate the President of Venezuala. If God tells Pat Robertson anything of the future - I am betting it will be a bad stock tip to bankrupt the charlatan.
Why isn't the sky falling?
With the
big stink raised about how awful raising the minimum wage would be, isn't it curious how no one seems to be noticing that it is about to
happen again? Yes, this is simply the second phase of the law change, but I really expected the sky to have fallen by now.
Now THIS is a reason to defeat the nomination of Hayden
A couple days ago, I had chosen
not to jump on the anti-Hayden bandwagon based on his not too bright discussion of the 4th Amendment. We are too nitpicky when we expect poiltical leaders and top level bureaucrats to know everything there is to know about constitutional law. I still stand by that assertion - the greatest of nominees are still going to be imperfect people and we should be tolerant of that.
The new revelation of the NSA requesting and receiving phone records on tens of millions of Americans on an ongoing basis since September 11, 2001 if different. This would have been a policy carried out under the direct supervision of General Hayden. Thus it would have received his blessing and approval. As this program is the quintessential Big Brother tactic of an apparently paranoid Nixonian administration, the last thing we need is for the director of that policy to become the director of an even larger and more influential spy agency.
I am a cynic at heart when it comes to conspiracy theories -- but this revelation just plain scares me. Time permitting, I will elaborate on my next post.
George W's Palace
Guess I now understand why Saddam's palaces weren't roundly ridiculed by the Bush Administration for its excesses. They didn't disapprove, they were only
Another Brett to be proud of
It isn't too often these days that I can point to a State Republican Legislator with pride, but hats off to our own
Brett Davis for being one of five willing to break ranks from the wingnut led lemmings and at least try to open the discussion on SB1 for ethics reform. It is refreshing to see legislators think for themselves and with consituents in mind for a change.
Death of a Drive Through?
Proof positive that I am consistently out of the local loop -- I noticed the other day that Ringhand's is out of business?? When, how, what, and why???
Larry retire? Get ticked off?
Enquiring minds want to know...